
    I started taping in the summer of 2000 as an apprentice working on the staff accommodation for the Jasper Park Lodge then on my return to Edmonton in the residential sector as part of various crews doing mid to high end homes and condos for Empire Drywall whose owner Barry I am grateful to for setting me up with his best tapers to apprentice under.

     After a few years I decided to move to Alpine Drywall where their commercial focus I felt would be a new challenge and a better way to expand my skill set, being able to work around dozens of different elite tapers, I worked on projects like the Edmonton International Airport, and Stantec office as well as others for the next several years.

      I then headed to Yellowknife for a couple years to work for Foothills Acoustics working on projects like the Mildred Hall Elementary School and  Explorer Hotel, eventually working my way up to the primary taper on jobs like the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center and the LEED Gold certified Greenstone Building- a Federal Government office building 

      I spent the next 6 years working for Ideal Contract Services, first as a subcontractor doing multi family condo units, then houses including high end show homes for every major builder in Edmonton, after 5 years I was promoted to a service taper position, fixing other tapers work, quality control, and doing one year inspections/warranty work under The Alberta New Home Warranty Program.

       A year and a half ago I decided to strike out on my own, my experience made me a shoe in to work directly for the customers and I knew I could offer the best service at a fraction of the price the big companies charge, and for that matter less than what the greedy self taught "tapers" charge on kijiji.  My extensive experience combined with the proper tools and premium materials means that I can get the job done better and faster and therefore charge less than anyone else rewarding me with happy customers and referrals which was my main goal.